
Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Favorites!

It's time for…… FRIDAY FAVORITES!!! I'm a little behind this week, but I have a second cup of coffee in hand and am ready to go! Thought I'd write about a couple of exciting things that are happening in our family! :)
(Linking up with Andrea for this Friday Favorites!

I thought I'd post a photo of my FAVORITE little kiddo!! We had a 9 month checkup this morning, and he is soaring high with flying colors! He's up to 18 pounds & 4 ounces and in the 25th percentile for his age!! For his gestational age (6 months) he's in the 64th percentile! We have come a long way from his 2 pounds 12 ounces birth weight! 
This past week we had Hank's 9 month photoshoot with Sarah Mesa Photography. Sarah has done Hank's 3 month (newborn, since we weren't able to have a traditional newborn photoshoot in the NICU), 6 month, and now 9 month photos. Here are some of my FAVORITES from the photoshoots!

3 months (first weekend at home)

6 months

9 month preview

We love working with Sarah and can't wait to see the rest of his pictures!!

OUR NEW HOUSE!!! It took some convincing, but Jacob finally got on board with finding our family a rental home instead of an apartment! We are both so excited that we found the perfect place for our family, and we move in on August 1st! It was built in 1954, is in a wonderful neighborhood, and has TONS of storage -- something our current home is severely lacking in!! =P

In our new living room! We are all so excited!

Sweet little kitchen with a stainless steel fridge with an ICE MAKER!!!!!!! You have no idea how happy that makes me!! We also plan to paint that crimson red wall with a more neutral color. We DEFINITELY appreciate the crimson (Roll Tide) -- it just doesn't match some of our turquoise furniture. Lol.

We have a backyard!!! I am so excited about this! You can't tell much in this photo, but to the right there is a retaining wall that goes up to another decent sized plot of land. We plan to make this into a garden! I am so excited to think about Hank playing in a little swingset in the backyard at our new home! 

There are some quirky things that we will have to work our way around (like a basement staircase in our tiny tiny "spare room" bedroom, but we feel like the pros of this sweet house are worth finding ways to be creative with things like that! We can't wait to move in and have people over! :)

Thanks for stopping by, and have yourself a wonderful weekend!

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